Percentage of Households that Used Energy by Region
and Energy Type, January 2015

Energy Type Region 
Diesel Gasoline Kerosene LPG Solar Energy Wood Electricity
8.3 17.1 2.6 97.3 56.5 33.9 99.9 Palestine
11.1 19.1 2.3 99.6 63.1 29.0 99.9 West Bank
10.2 16.9 2.1 99.7 65.8 29.7 100 North of West Bank 
10.8 23.9 2.1 99.7 62.9 19.4 100 Middle of West Bank  
12.5 17.4 2.7 99.4 60.2 36.7 99.6 South of West Bank
2.9 13.5 3.1 93.0 43.8 43.3 99.9 Gaza Strip